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Upper Body Myofascial Release for Crossfitters
Let's Start! Program introduction & FAQ's (3:26)
Demystifying Myofascial Release (5:16)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Scap: Upper Trapezius & Rhomboids Myofascial Release (9:12)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff// Shoulder: Side-Lying Infraspinatus MFR (9:09)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Scap: Serratus Anterior Myofascial Release (7:29)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Thoracic: Sternocleidomastoid Myofascial Release (10:31)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Arms: Triceps Myofascial Release (7:24)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Arms: 360 Active Wrist Mobilization (5:53)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Lats & Pecs: Pec Pin & Stretch Myofascial Release (7:04)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Neck Chillax: Neck Reset (with block) (10:30)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Scap: Manual Upper Trapezius Myofascial Release (6:27)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Scap: Levator Scapula Myofascial Release (6:06)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff// Shoulder: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff// Shoulder: Posterior and Medial Deltoid Myofascial Release (7:05)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Scap: Lats & Pecs Myofascial Release (8:58)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Thoracic: Intercostals Myofascial Release (10:24)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Arms: Wrist Extensors & Flexors Myofascial Release (5:41)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Lats & Pecs: Lats Myofascial Release with ball (9:10)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Neck Chillax: Scalenes Myofascial Release (9:07)
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Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff// Shoulder: Posterior and Medial Deltoid Myofascial Release
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