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The Path to Happy, Strong Shoulders
Let's start! Program introduction & FAQs (3:26)
Injury prevention & efficient movement, in simple terms (2:38)
Recovery: an important - and enjoyable - part of your training! (3:57)
Some concepts: building foundations & frequent exposure (5:39)
What does "owning your range & "progressive overload" mean? (4:26)
Novelty & variability: we're not robots (1:52)
Demystifying myofascial release (5:16)
Let's start! Program introduction & FAQs (3:26)
Demystifying myofascial release (5:16)
Program Introduction, Weeks 1-4 (5:17)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Scapular Stability: Scapular Push-Ups, Three Ways (6:39)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Scapular Stability: Upper Back Release (8:27)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Infraspinatus Myofascial Release (8:00)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Easy Rotator Cuff Stability Builder (6:41)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Kneeling Thoracic Rotation (6:35)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Extension (4:24)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Levator Scapula Myofascial Release (6:06)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Easy Rotator Cuff Stability Builder 2 (10:23)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Scap Squares at Wall (3:17)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Shoulder Co-Contraction (6:21)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Two-Part Stabilization & Overhead Mechanics (5:02)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Pectoralis Major and Minor Release (12:01)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: Nervous System Recovery - Lengthening Exhale (10:39)
Injury prevention & efficient movement, in simple terms (2:38)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Scapular Stability: Scapular Push-Ups, Three Ways (6:39)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Scapular Stability: Upper Back Release (8:27)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Infraspinatus Myofascial Release (8:00)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Easy Rotator Cuff Stability Builder (6:41)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Kneeling Thoracic Rotation (6:35)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Extension (4:24)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Levator Scapula Myofascial Release (6:06)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Easy Rotator Cuff Stability Builder 2 (10:23)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Scap Squares at Wall (3:17)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Shoulder Co-Contraction (6:21)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Two-Part Stabilization & Overhead Mechanics (5:02)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Pectoralis Major and Minor Release (12:01)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: Nervous System Recovery - Lengthening Exhale (10:39)
Recovery: an important - and enjoyable - part of your training! (3:57)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Scapular Stability: Upper Trapezius & Rhomboids Myofascial Release (9:12)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Scapular Stability: Scap Squares - Floor Version (4:58)
Day 2: Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Manual Upper Trapezius Myofascial Release (6:27)
Day 2: Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Standing Sequence for Shoulder Function (7:24)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Passive Thoracic Extension (7:45)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Side-Lying Thoracic Rotation (5:20)
Day 3, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function (11:04)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Levator Scapulae Function (7:23)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Scapular Stability & Mobility at the Wall (8:20)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Kneeling Shoulder Circles (8:25)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Two-Part Stabilization & Overhead Mechanics (5:02)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Passive Thoracic Extension & Pec Minor Release (10:59)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: Body Scan (14:47)
Some concepts: building foundations & frequent exposure (5:39)
Day 1, Exercise 1: Scapular Stability: Upper Trapezius & Rhomboids Myofascial Release (9:12)
Day 1, Exercise 2: Scapular Stability: Scap Squares - Floor Version (4:58)
Day 2: Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Manual Upper Trapezius Myofascial Release (6:27)
Day 2: Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Standing Sequence for Shoulder Function (7:24)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Passive Thoracic Extension (7:45)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Side-Lying Thoracic Rotation (5:20)
Day 3, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Strength: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Strength: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function (11:04)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Levator Scapulae Function (7:23)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Scapular & Rotator Cuff Function: Scapular Stability & Mobility at the Wall (8:20)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Kneeling Shoulder Circles (8:25)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Two-Part Stabilization & Overhead Mechanics (5:02)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Basic Shoulder Stabilization: Passive Thoracic Extension & Pec Minor Release (10:59)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: Body Scan (14:47)
What does "owning your range & "progressive overload" mean? (4:26)
Program Introduction, Weeks 5-8 (2:22)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Stability & Mobility: Shoulder Strength and ROM (9:58)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Stability & Mobility: Gentle Shoulder Reset - Gomukhasana & Twist (11:20)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Pecs: Lats & Pecs Myofascial Release (8:58)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Pecs: Pec Activation (9:44)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Triceps Myofascial Release (7:24)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Shoulder Function - Stability & Rotational Mobility (8:46)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Scapular Control & Release: Serratus Anterior Myofascial Release (7:29)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Scapular Control & Release: Cuban Press Shoulder Strengthener (2:37)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Levator Scapula Myofascial Release (6:06)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Lat Activation (5:15)
Day 5, Exercise 3: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Shoulder Stability - Low Lunge & Side Plank (7:13)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Upper Trapezius & Rhomboids Myofascial Release (9:12)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Side-Lying Thoracic Rotation (5:20)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Extension (4:24)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: 3-Part Breath Meditation (9:20)
Novelty & variability: we're not robots (1:52)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Stability & Mobility: Shoulder Strength and ROM (9:58)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Stability & Mobility: Gentle Shoulder Reset - Gomukhasana & Twist (11:20)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Pecs: Lats & Pecs Myofascial Release (8:58)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Pecs: Pec Activation (9:44)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Triceps Myofascial Release (7:24)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Shoulder Function - Stability & Rotational Mobility (8:46)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Scapular Control & Release: Serratus Anterior Myofascial Release (7:29)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Scapular Control & Release: Cuban Press Shoulder Strengthener (2:37)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Levator Scapula Myofascial Release (6:06)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Lat Activation (5:15)
Day 5, Exercise 3: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Shoulder Stability - Low Lunge & Side Plank (7:13)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Upper Trapezius & Rhomboids Myofascial Release (9:12)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Side-Lying Thoracic Rotation (5:20)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Extension (4:24)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: 3-Part Breath Meditation (9:20)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Stability & Mobility: Posterior and Medial Deltoid Myofascial Release (7:05)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Stability & Mobility: Full Shoulder Flow 1 (17:32)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Pecs: Pecs - Activation & Release (14:45)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Pecs: Upper Back Release (8:27)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Full Shoulder Flow 2 (18:27)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Scapular Control & Release: Rhomboids Myofascial Release (6:19)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Scapular Control & Release: Shoulder Function A Little Bit of Load in Triangle (12:40)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Lats & Pecs Myofascial Release (8:58)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: 4-Part Rotator Cuff Stabilization (5:12)
Day 5, Exercise 3: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Pecs and Lats Plank Stairs (4:47)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Passive Thoracic Extension (7:45)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: 10-Count Breath Meditation (7:59)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Stability & Mobility: Posterior and Medial Deltoid Myofascial Release (7:05)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Stability & Mobility: Full Shoulder Flow 1 (17:32)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Pecs: Pecs - Activation & Release (14:45)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Pecs: Upper Back Release (8:27)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Release: Full Shoulder Flow 2 (18:27)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Scapular Control & Release: Rhomboids Myofascial Release (6:19)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Scapular Control & Release: Shoulder Function A Little Bit of Load in Triangle (12:40)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Lats & Pecs Myofascial Release (8:58)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: 4-Part Rotator Cuff Stabilization (5:12)
Day 5, Exercise 3: Rotator Cuff Function & Lats: Pecs and Lats Plank Stairs (4:47)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Passive Thoracic Extension (7:45)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: 10-Count Breath Meditation (7:59)
Program Introduction, Weeks 9-12 (2:22)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Mobility & Stability: Wrist Support for Weight-Bearing (4:08)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Mobility & Stability: Shoulder Co-Contraction for Wrist Support (6:24)
Day 1, Exercise 3: General Mobility & Stability: Strong Shoulder Flow (12:06)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Shoulders - Resisted Internal & External Rotation (6:31)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Gentle Shoulder Reset - Gomukhasana & Twist (11:20)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Pecs: Pec Activation (9:44)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Pecs: Pecs - Active Range of Motion (5:31)
Day 3, Exercise 3: Pecs: Pectoralis Major and Minor Release (12:01)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Resisted Thoracic Rotation (3:51)
Day 4, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Passive Thoracic Extension (7:45)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Active Range of Motion in Internal Rotation (8:48)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Lats & Pecs: Pec Pin & Stretch Myofascial Release (7:04)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Lats & Pecs: Flow for Tight Pecs (8:25)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: Legs Up The Wall (14:17)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Mobility & Stability: Wrist Support for Weight-Bearing (4:08)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Mobility & Stability: Shoulder Co-Contraction for Wrist Support (6:24)
Day 1, Exercise 3: General Mobility & Stability: Strong Shoulder Flow (12:06)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Shoulders - Resisted Internal & External Rotation (6:31)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Gentle Shoulder Reset - Gomukhasana & Twist (11:20)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Pecs: Pec Activation (9:44)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Pecs: Pecs - Active Range of Motion (5:31)
Day 3, Exercise 3: Pecs: Pectoralis Major and Minor Release (12:01)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Segmental Control & Thoracic Cat/Cow (5:52)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Resisted Thoracic Rotation (3:51)
Day 4, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Passive Thoracic Extension (7:45)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Subscapularis Myofascial Release (4:07)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Active Range of Motion in Internal Rotation (8:48)
Day 6, Exercise 1: Lats & Pecs: Pec Pin & Stretch Myofascial Release (7:04)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Lats & Pecs: Flow for Tight Pecs (8:25)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: Legs Up The Wall (14:17)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Mobility & Stability: Shoulder Co-Contraction For Wrist Support (6:24)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Mobility & Stability: Strong Shoulder Flow 2 (17:07)
Day 1, Exercise 3: General Mobility & Stability: Passive Thoracic Extension & Pec Minor Release (10:59)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Infraspinatus Myofascial Release (8:00)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Plank + A Block - The Most Fun Shoulder Exercise (3:19)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Pecs: Pecs - Activation & Release (14:45)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Pecs: Strong Shoulder Flow 3 (12:16)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Rotation In Pyramid Pose (7:50)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Active Spine Mobility in Rotation (6:57)
Day 4, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Mobility Flow (14:12)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Posterior and Medial Deltoid Myofascial Release (7:05)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Resisted Shoulder Abduction & Overhead Mechanics (4:21)
Day 6: Exercise 1: Lats & Pecs: Lats Myofascial Release with Ball (9:10)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Lats & Pecs: Lat Activation (5:15)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Lats & Pecs: Prone Pec & Posterior Shoulder Mobilization (4:20)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: 2-1 Breath Meditation (10:03)
Day 1, Exercise 1: General Mobility & Stability: Shoulder Co-Contraction For Wrist Support (6:24)
Day 1, Exercise 2: General Mobility & Stability: Strong Shoulder Flow 2 (17:07)
Day 1, Exercise 3: General Mobility & Stability: Passive Thoracic Extension & Pec Minor Release (10:59)
Day 2, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Infraspinatus Myofascial Release (8:00)
Day 2, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Plank + A Block - The Most Fun Shoulder Exercise (3:19)
Day 3, Exercise 1: Pecs: Pecs - Activation & Release (14:45)
Day 3, Exercise 2: Pecs: Strong Shoulder Flow 3 (12:16)
Day 4, Exercise 1: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Rotation In Pyramid Pose (7:50)
Day 4, Exercise 2: Thoracic Mobility: Active Spine Mobility in Rotation (6:57)
Day 4, Exercise 3: Thoracic Mobility: Thoracic Mobility Flow (14:12)
Day 5, Exercise 1: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Posterior and Medial Deltoid Myofascial Release (7:05)
Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Resisted Shoulder Abduction & Overhead Mechanics (4:21)
Day 6: Exercise 1: Lats & Pecs: Lats Myofascial Release with Ball (9:10)
Day 6, Exercise 2: Lats & Pecs: Lat Activation (5:15)
Day 6, Exercise 3: Lats & Pecs: Prone Pec & Posterior Shoulder Mobilization (4:20)
Day 7, Exercise 1: Relaxation: 2-1 Breath Meditation (10:03)
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Day 5, Exercise 2: Rotator Cuff Eccentrics: Resisted Shoulder Abduction & Overhead Mechanics
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